Postdoctoral Position In National Centre For Biological Sciences - सरकारी नौकरी, Sarkari Naukri,Government Jobs india-Website about all Sarkari Jobs

Postdoctoral Position In National Centre For Biological Sciences

Postdoctoral Position (Ph.D.) In National Centre For Biological Sciences - NCBS Recruitment

Recruitment For: Postdoctoral position (Ph.D.)
Minimum Salary: Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date: 01/01/2019
Address: GKVK Campus, Bellary Rd, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Kodigehalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka  560065

Qualification: Ph.D. in Protein Biochemistry and Structural Biology
How To Apply For NCBS Vacancy: Application procedure: Please send a single pdf which contains (1) a CV along with a list of publications, (2) a list of PDB IDs deposited in the PDB and your contributions to the deposition (3) a list of 3 referees and (4) a brief statement (no more than a 100 words) explaining why you are interested in the project to

Job Type: OTHER
Job Details: Official Website Document

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