JRF (GATE / NET Qualified, M.Sc.) In Kalyani University - सरकारी नौकरी, Sarkari Naukri,Government Jobs india-Website about all Sarkari Jobs

JRF (GATE / NET Qualified, M.Sc.) In Kalyani University

JRF (GATE / NET Qualified, M.Sc.) In Kalyani University Recruitment

Recruitment For: JRF (GATE / NET qualified, M.Sc.)
Minimum Salary: 31000
Last Date: 10/12/2019
Address: University of Kalyani, Kalyani, District: Nadia, Kolkata, West Bengal  741235
Qualification: GATE / NET (CSIR-UGC/DBT /ICMR) and at least 55% marks in M.Sc in any branch of Life Sciences
Pay Scale: Emoluments: Rs.31,000/+ HRA
How To Apply For Kalyani University Vacancy: Last Date of receipt of applications: 10.12.2019 Applications in plain paper giving full bio-data along with attested copies of relevant testimonials are to be sent to the P.I. at the following address latest by 10.12.2019 The envelopes must be superscribed by: Application for the post of JRF in SERB project Utpal Basu, Ph.D.,Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.Univer sity of Ka1yani,Kalyani, District: Nadia,West Bengal,Pin Code: 741 235
Job Details: Official Website Document