Helper (5th Passed) In North Eastern Regional Institute Of Science And Technology - NERIST Recruitment
Recruitment For: Helper (5th Passed)
Minimum Salary: 6000
Address: North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli India, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 791109
Qualification: Class 5 th pass having basic knowledge of computer. Preferred only male candidates.
Pay Scale: Consolidated Salary: @ ₹ 6,000/- per month (fixed)
How To Apply For NERIST Vacancy: The position is purely temporary for a period of 06 months and co-terminus with the project. Candidates bearing fine temperament and ready to work in remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh would be preferred. Soft copy of the Bio-data may be send in advance to the Coordinator ( OR of the project latest by 15thDec, 2019. Applicants must bring all supporting documents in the original while appearingfor the interview. Except for Arunachal Pradesh, applicants from other states may procureInner Line Permit for entry to Arunachal Pradesh via or from any designated offices.
Detail Of Interview: 16th December 2019 (Monday) at 10.30 AM
Venue Of Interview: In the Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminal Hall
Job Details: Official Website Document
Recruitment For: Helper (5th Passed)
Minimum Salary: 6000
Address: North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST), Nirjuli India, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 791109
Qualification: Class 5 th pass having basic knowledge of computer. Preferred only male candidates.
Pay Scale: Consolidated Salary: @ ₹ 6,000/- per month (fixed)

Detail Of Interview: 16th December 2019 (Monday) at 10.30 AM
Venue Of Interview: In the Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminal Hall
Job Details: Official Website Document